How To Change Apple Watch App Grid To List View

Apple’s watch is changing up with every new release. What started as just a smartwatch now serves as a tool capable of saving human lives. We have all sorts of sensors in Apple watches that track everything about the human body. There have been instances where an Apple watch was capable to detect irregularities in the heartbeat of a person, which later proved to be life-saving information for that person....

June 2, 2022 · 3 min · 500 words · Marion Brooks

How To Check Video Quality On Google Meet Call On Your Device

When you are going to attend a Google Meet call you need to check with two things. Your web camera and microphone must be on and working properly. You cannot enter a meeting randomly and realize your camera and mic are not connected. This is an undesirable situation and also gives an unprofessional vibe. Even if they may be connected they could be facing some snag. So, to ensure that you have set up your camera and microphone correctly, Google Meet offers a new feature called Green Room....

June 2, 2022 · 4 min · 668 words · Timothy Howington

How To Change Keyboard And Home Button Click Sounds On Iphone 8

Some people need tick sounds to use their smartphones properly. Some other people see these sounds as something annoying. Using the phone in a steady manner need a majority people the tick sounds. This will help the users to use the phone by feeling it. iPhone 8 enables users to easily change the keyboard and home screen tick sounds by following some simple steps. This article will walk you through steps to change keyboard and home button click sounds on iPhone 8....

June 1, 2022 · 3 min · 462 words · Gerald Hughes

How To Change Your Windows 8 1 Account Picture

Changing your Windows 8 account profile picture or photo is simple if you know where to look. It’s also nice customization that can personalize your Windows 8.1 Installation. It’s also a nice touch if you have multiple users on the same computer. Change Account Picture From the Start screen, right-click your current photo and then click “Change account picture.” You can also change your Account Picture under the PC Settings, where you can also customize your Start screen and Lock screen....

June 1, 2022 · 2 min · 325 words · James Perdue

How To Change Default Apps On Windows 11

Change Default Apps on Windows 11 One of the ways you can set an app as the default is during the installation process. Some (especially browsers) give you that option. There will be a button or checkbox with a message asking if you want to make it the default. But a lot of times, you miss it or aren’t sure at first. Change Default Apps Through Settings To get started, click on Start > Settings or open it by using the keyboard shortcut Windows key + I....

May 31, 2022 · 2 min · 426 words · Wayne Murphy

How To Change Siri S Language On Iphone

Want to change Siri’s language on your iPhone? Follow along for how to do it in a few simple steps and also how to make sure “Hey Siri” is set up in the new language. If you end up changing the system-wide language on your iPhone, Siri’s language will actually remain the same as what you originally set it up with. Read on for how to change Siri’s language and how to retrain “Hey Siri” in the updated language with the steps and images below....

May 31, 2022 · 2 min · 329 words · Lori Duff

How To Change Your Phone Name On Android Device

Do you want to change the default device model name of your Android phone.? Well, in this guide I will explain to you how to change from the default name to some other name of your choice. You may ask why there is a need to change the name of your android device.? Well, the primary reason is to avoid ambiguity. Let’s suppose you work in an office. There may be other colleagues who may use the same smartphone as you do....

May 31, 2022 · 2 min · 402 words · John Burchett

How To Check Your Computer S Memory Usage In Windows

Just like when I showed you how to check if memory is going bad, this time, we’ll take a look at how it is being used. The tools we’ll look at are called the Resource Monitor and the Performance Monitor. Check Computer Memory Usage Easily To open up Resource Monitor, press Windows Key + R and type resmon into the search box. Resource Monitor will tell you exactly how much RAM is being used, what is using it, and allow you to sort the list of apps using it by several different categories....

May 31, 2022 · 3 min · 607 words · Mary Pinto

How To Check Your Version Of Windows 7 Or Vista

When installing a new program or requesting technical support, it’s handy to know what version of Windows you’re running. The only problem is, just finding that out is a tech support issue in itself. Someone at Microsoft must have forgotten to include a way to do this or at least felt like hiding it. While your edition information is readily available in your system properties, the version is not. Deep in your computer, in the system32 folder there is a Version Reporter Applet that will tell you which version and which edition of Windows 7 you are running....

May 31, 2022 · 1 min · 180 words · Andrea Washington

How To Clean Protect And Optimize Your Mac With Cleanmymac X

CleanMyMac X features a performance monitor, macOS cleaner, malware remover, and other optimization tools. Once running CleanMyMac X regularly, you’ll notice a faster Mac experience with more storage space than before. Best of all, much of this gets accomplished with the touch of a button. Don’t Sweat the Easy Stuff Each time the CleanMyMac X app opens, you’re presented with a scan button. When pushed, the app will quickly go behind the scenes, and perform a Smart Scan, looking into three areas where it can deliver improvements....

May 31, 2022 · 4 min · 749 words · Pedro Joyner

How To Change Google Drive Backup And Sync Folder Location

Google Drive Backup and Sync is a popular solution for the safe storage of a high volume of data in the cloud. While we store our data on the PC, it is susceptible to hacking and data corruption. So, frequently backing up our data to cloud storage is a wise decision. Google’s own backup and sync is a great tool for creating a substitute repository of all our data. By default, when you install the backup and sync tool its folder is created in the C: drive of your computer....

May 30, 2022 · 3 min · 626 words · Mark Crary

How To Boot The Pixel 2 And Pixel 2 Xl Into Safe Mode

Google just launched their latest smartphones i.e. Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. It is true that they are getting a lot of popularity and just like the previous devices of Google, both Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL would be best in every aspect as per the information we collected so far. In this post, we will let you know how to boot your Pixel 2 And Pixel 2 XL into safe mode....

May 29, 2022 · 4 min · 652 words · Lenita Evans

How To Change Activision Account Password

Just recently, a storm of users has been claiming about their Activision account getting hacked. To date, sources are showing a massive sum of 5,00,000+ accounts hacked. Even in this crisis, Activision solely stands their ground, claiming that such hack claims that are seen on the internet are false information. However, Activision is advising all its users out there to take precautionary steps and ensure account protection with a password change....

May 29, 2022 · 3 min · 465 words · Jeanette Qualls

How To Check If Apple Watch Is Under Warranty

Any electrical product can get damaged with time. No matter how well the product is manufactured and assembled by a brand. And Apple Watch is no exception. Apple watches are expensive, and its after-sales service is not cheap either. None of the apple products after-sales service is affordable, and that is the reason why Apple has Applecare and Applecare+. If your Apple watch is under any of these services, then you are eligible for a free repair....

May 29, 2022 · 3 min · 607 words · George Gill

How To Change Borderlands 3 Codex Language And Save Location

Borderlands 3 is an action role-playing first-person shooter video game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games. It’s the sequel to 2012’s Borderlands 2 and the 4th main edition in the Borderlands family. The game was launched in September 2019 and available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh OS platforms. However, some of the players can’t find an option to change Borderlands 3 Codex language and the save location....

May 28, 2022 · 3 min · 481 words · Tasha Whitson

How To Change Default Font In Google Docs Slides And Sheets

In Google apps like Google Docs, the default font is Arial. Arial is a plain and steady option, but if you want to make your document stand out, you can change the default font and try something different. Your chosen font will become the option you see whenever you open a new Google document. Below, we’ll explain how to change the default font in Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets....

May 28, 2022 · 4 min · 830 words · Brenda Tucker

How To Change Default Google Account In Seconds

It’s also easy to switch between Google accounts in the Chrome browser. But if you use one account more frequently than others, you may want to change your default Google account to that one. How to Change Default Google Account The trick to setting the default Google account in Chrome is understanding how the default account is selected in the first place. There isn’t some setting buried in your Google account that lets you select this....

May 27, 2022 · 4 min · 741 words · Jamie Marshall

How To Boot Directly To Windows 8 Desktop The Easy Way

Portable App to Bypass Start Screen Skip Metro Suite is a free utility that’s dead simple to use. The latest version is a portable app that doesn’t require installation. You can run it from a flash drive and carry it with you. This is handy when using other Windows 8 systems and don’t want to install anything. When you go to download it, make sure to click the Download button shown here....

May 26, 2022 · 2 min · 299 words · Jon Markowitz

How To Bypass Windows 7 Password Without Losing Any Data

Here we will guide on how to bypass Windows 7 password without losing any data. You can simply follow this tutorial to easily bypass the windows 7 password problem. So, you can’t remember your Windows 7 password anymore. It’s a big deal if you need to access your PC immediately for some emergency purpose. It is already understood that you are frustrated and annoyed and maybe tried every possible thing you could do to reset your computer password and horribly failed....

May 26, 2022 · 5 min · 967 words · Rosalyn Lowry

How To Change Your Interests On Tiktok

Are you tired of seeing the same things on your “For You” page on TikTok? TikTok has a way of tracking your interest and using the data captured, it then decides what to show you more as it coincides with your interest. What happens when your interest change and you want to start seeing other things? Is there a way to change your interests on TikTok? This guide answers the question of how TikTok knows your interests....

May 26, 2022 · 3 min · 628 words · Paul Pate