No, you do not clean a lobster before cooking it. Lobsters are scavengers and will clean themselves.

The lobster’s head and claws.

No, you don’t rinse lobster before boiling. Lobster is cooked in salt water and its natural juices are enough to flavor the dish.

Live lobster should be placed in a pot of cold water and brought to a boil. Once boiling, the lobster should be simmered for 3-5 minutes until it is cooked through.

The head, claws, and tail are all off limits. There are also some parts of the lobster that you should avoid, such as the eyes and the gills.

The black stuff in a lobster is its ink.

Yes, you can eat the green stuff in lobster. This is a natural part of the lobster’s diet and it is not harmful to consume.

No, the red stuff in lobster is actually the blood vessels.

Yes, you can eat lobster eyes. The eyes are a delicacy in some parts of the world and they are usually cooked.

Yes, you can put lobster in cold water after boiling.

Boil lobsters for 3-4 minutes.

Lobster is done when it is no longer pink in the center.

There are a few reasons why lobsters have to be boiled alive. Firstly, boiling kills any parasites or bacteria that may be on the lobster and secondly, it makes sure that the lobster is cooked through.

Yes, lobsters scream when boiled. The noise is caused by the liquid boiling and bursting their shells.

The hard red stuff inside a lobster is called the “gut.” The gut is where the lobster’s digestive system is located.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific type of lobster. However, most experts recommend cooking lobster to ensure that it is safe to eat.