No, the sand in the hermit crab tank should not be wet. Hermit crabs need to be able to move around and find food in their sand box, so having a dry sand box will help them stay healthy.

No, vinegar is not a good cleanser for hermit crabs. Hermit crabs are sensitive to strong acidic chemicals and can be harmed if their tank is cleaned with vinegar.

Hermit crabs will clean their shells with their claws, so you don’t need to change the sand very often. If the sand starts to smell bad, or if your crab is not eating or moving around as it should, then you may need to change the sand.

Hermit crabs require fresh water to drink and bathe in, so it is important to keep their water bowls clean. You can use a small amount of dish soap and warm water to clean the bowl. Be sure to rinse the bowl thoroughly before refilling it with fresh water.

Most hermit crabs prefer sand as their substrate. Some hermit crabs, however, prefer rocks.

Hermit crabs typically eat once a day, but they can consume more if there is food available.

Pet hermit crabs can live for up to five years.

Yes, hermit crabs can drink water without a sponge. They use their claws to suck up water and then squirt it out of their mouths.

No, hermit crabs should not drink out of sponges. Hermit crabs are land animals and do not have a water-carrying system like other crabs do. Drinking out of sponges can lead to water intoxication and death in hermit crabs.

Hermit crabs can be kept in an aquarium with other small invertebrates, but they should not be kept with fish or other larger invertebrates as they may eat them.

There is no definitive answer to this question as hermit crabs can vary greatly in terms of how long they can live without a shell. However, some hermit crabs may be able to survive for up to several months without a shell.

A hermit crab needs a place to hide, some food, and water.

Yes, hermit crabs need air holes to breathe. Hermit crabs use their claws to create small air holes in the sides of their shells.