Some recalls may come unexpected, but manufacturers make these product recalls when a product defect or safety issue has been found in a product that can cause harm or danger to their customers when these products are used. They voluntarily recalled their Neutrogena and Aveeno sunscreens due to the presence of Benzene which depending on the extent of exposure, could potentially result in blood cancer such as leukemia. Johnson and Johnson’s baby products were also recalled as they tested positive for asbestos which may have resulted from contamination from a different product.These recalled products caused Johnson and Johnson to refund their customers and the refund process is straightforward which is discussed below.

How to claim a Johnson and Johnson recall?

 Visit the Johnson and Johnson’s official website to fill out a claims form Provide certain information required which may include the name of the product, its size, and the number of items purchased Next, you provide evidence of purchase which can either be a photo of the product or a scanned image of the products purchased In the drop-down menu, click on “concern or complaint” which is a necessary field to claim a recall. Then, submit the formYou should then receive an email from customer care department and a call will be placed to you to verify your request and information to complete the request.

Johnson and Johnson’s recalled product refund process

Depending on the danger or mistake found in a product, a recall can either lead to a refund to the customer, a repair of the product, or a total replacement. To request a refund, you can Place a call to their customer care service at 1-800-458-1673 and follow the instructions from there. You can fill out a form and ask for your refund. The form will ask you to state your country of residence, the name of the product, the product code written under the barcode at the back of the product, the size of the product, and the number of units purchased. For refunds of four or more units, you’ll be asked for a picture of all the products.

Who is eligible to claim a Johnson and Johnson recall?

Anybody. Every customer is eligible to claim a recall. However, there are certain requirements to be met to avoid fraudulent or illegal requests for recall. The product has to have been recalled by Johnson and Johnson To be eligible, you have to be able to provide the name of the product, its size, and the number of items you purchased. You also have to provide proof or evidence of purchase (either a photo of the product or a scanned image of the products purchased)Once these criteria have been met, you are eligible to claim a recall from on any of their recalled product.

How to know if your product was recalled?

You can know if your product was recalled and if you are eligible to make a recall claim by doing any of the following: Visiting the manufacturer’s website Visiting Visiting saferproducts.govThis way, you can find out if your product or products are listed there.

Some recalled Johnson and Johnson products

With investigations from the FDA and other government agencies, Johnson and Johnson have recalled some of its products. Some notable recall amongst others include: Tylenol capsules in 1982 Tylenol, Pepcid, Zyrtec eye drops, and Motrin among others between 2009 to 2011 ASR Hip resurfacing system and Acetabular system in 2010 Gynecare prolift kit, Gynecare prosoma pelvic floor repair system kit among others in 2012 Motrin for infants in 2013 Risperdal Consta in also in 2013 Power Morcellators in 2014 Phsiomesh flexible composite hernia mesh in 2016 Agilis Steerable introducer sheath in 2017 Johnson’s Baby powder in 2019

Other products that may have been recalled under other brand names include:

Protect and Refresh Sunscreen – Aveeno Invisible Daily Defense Sunscreen – Neutrogena

 Beach Defense Sunscreen – Neutrogena Ultra-Sheer Sunscreen – Neutrogena Cool Dry Sport Sunscreen – Neutrogena

Question 1: Why are Johnson and Johnson’s sunscreen being recalled?Answer: The presence of benzene was found in them which is harmful to the skin.Question 2: How do I request a refund for recalled products?Answer: You can contact the Johnson and Johnson Customer Inc. (JJCI) customer care center by calling 1-800-458-1673Question 3: Can I get a refund for product that got spoilt in my hands?Answer: No. Recalls and refunds are only made when the fault comes from the company or manufacturer.Question 4: Do I get back my money from a recall?Answer: Depending on the issue found with the product, refunds can come in form of getting your money back, a repair of the damaged product, or a total replacement of the product.