The video game distribution service, Steam, is just getting better day by day. Steam has a vast user base right now, and a lot make money and spend money by making purchases on Steam. Every time a transaction happens, the user gets a confirmation email about the purchase. But in the long list of emails, sometimes these emails can just get lost. Besides, Steam gives out all kinds of emails to its users.

Valve has improved Steam, and now anyone can view their purchase history directly from their account. It only takes a couple of minutes, and you will get the information on all kinds of transactions that have happened in the past on your Steam account. Now in this article, we will take a look at how exactly you can do it and also what kind of information will the purchase history contains.

How to check your purchase history on Steam?

Now to make things easier, it is better just to download the latest version of the Steam Client on your PC. To do that, visit this link and then download and install it. Once the installation is done, log in to your Steam account and then follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Once you are logged in to your account in the Steam account, click on the drop-down icon at the top.

  • After that, click on the tab “Account Details.”

  • Here you will see your account’s balance. Now click on ” View Purchase History.”

  • Once you do that, you will see a new window that will show up your entire purchase history.

Your purchase will have five sections, Date, Items, Type, Total, and Wallet. Under the Date section, you will see the exact date of your transaction on Steam. Then under items, you will know the name of the game which you purchased and even the Steam Community Market sales information. Then under the type section, you will see whether the transaction was a purchase or a Market transaction. Again under the total part, you will see the charge for the particular transaction or purchase. And then, finally, under the Wallet section, there will be information on the total expense of the transaction or purchase along with details of your balance after that particular transaction or purchase.

Now purchase history can come in handy whenever something wrong happens on Steam. Maybe you bought a game, and it did not show up in your library. Then you can click on the game on the purchase history and send out the purchase details over to Steam support to let them about your issue. If you show the proof of your purchase through this, then you can even ask for a refund, raise a complaint about overpricing, ask for a receipt or more.

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Now you don’t need to worry about the transactions you make on Steam. You don’t need to look for those specific mails in your mailbox. You can just head over to your purchase history section, and you will find everything there in one place, with every bit of information.

Now, if you have any queries with this guide, then comment down below. Also, be sure to check out our other articles on iPhone tips and tricks, Android tips and tricks, PC tips and tricks, and much more for more useful information.

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