Yes, you can see who someone recently followed on Instagram. To view a list of the people someone has recently followed, open the person’s profile and tap the Following button. A list of the people the person has recently followed will appear at the top of the screen.

Yes, Instagram does show followers in order. The order is determined by how often you interact with that person’s posts. If you like, comment, or follow a post, that person will move up in the order. If you don’t interact with a person’s posts, they will move down in order.

There is no sure way to track this information, as Instagram does not release a public list of users that someone has followed. However, there are some methods of research that could be used in order to infer who your girlfriend has been following on the app. One option is to look through her recent likes and see if any of the accounts she has liked are followed by people that you do not know.

There is no one definitive way to see someone’s followers chronologically. Depending on the platform, you may be able to see a list of recent followers or recent activity from those followers. Additionally, some platforms allow you to sort followers by when they joined the platform, or when they last interacted with your profile.

Check the order of their posts. They may have them in chronological order, newest to oldest, which would be the reverse of what you’re looking for.If they have a lot of posts, it might be helpful to use a third-party app like “InstaSort” to help you find the order.Otherwise, it might be a little tricky to figure out exactly who is following whom on Instagram.

To see what pictures your boyfriend likes on Instagram in 2020, you can either ask him directly or look at his profile. If you ask him directly, he may be more likely to show you the pictures he likes and vice versa. If you look at his profile, you can see the pictures that he has liked and commented on. This can give you an idea of the kinds of pictures he is interested in.

To see what your boyfriend likes on Instagram, you can either ask him directly or look at his profile. If you ask him directly, he may be more likely to show you his likes if he trusts you. If you look at his profile, you can see the accounts he follows and the hashtags he uses. This can give you an idea of the things he is interested in.

There are a few ways that you could see someone’s activity on Instagram in 2021. The first way is if they have their account set to public, which means that anyone can view their posts, profile, and followers. The second way is if they have their account set to private, which means that only people they approve can see their posts, profile, and followers. The third way is if they have deleted their account.

There are a few different ways to see who someone interacts with the most on Instagram. One way is to look at their followers and see who they interact with the most by looking at the number of likes and comments they have. Another way is to look at the people that they follow and see who they interact with the most.

There is no one definitive app to see someone’s activity on Instagram. However, there are a few different options available, depending on what you’re looking for. If you want to see who has recently followed or unfollowed you, there are apps like Just Unfollow and Followers for Instagram that can help.