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How to change your YouTube channel name, the simplest method

A few clicks are all it takes to change the title of your YouTube channel. It’s simple and quick. You’ll be posting videos again in no time!

The YouTube channel name is a very important aspect of your marketing strategy. As you are probably aware, it’s not just about the video content that gets served up on this platform but also how people find and engage with YouTubers through searches – so having an eye-catching title can make all the difference! 

However, picking a name for your YouTube channel can be difficult and overwhelming. But once you’ve chosen, it will likely become one of the most important aspects in building an audience that likes what they see!

The last thing we want is to be held back with our decisions when success lies ahead. In this case, fame can be a double-edged sword. And the downside to becoming famous is that you might get stuck with the name of your success.

Luckily, in an effort to make it easier for its users, YouTube has already introduced a way for you to change your account’s name and photo without having to update the information on your google account.

This article will provide you with all the necessary information about how and why to change your YouTube channel name. We also have some cool ideas for creative names that will help you start marketing with the video hosting website, so read on!

When should one change their YouTube channel name?

If you are looking for a way to make your YouTube channel more appealing, changing the name may be an option for you. However, the one thing that should come before this process is analyzing your decision! You may be able to change your channels’ title, but what might happen as a result? The decision of whether or not this should occur can largely depend on individual factors.

Perhaps you’ve grown tired of the name you chose for your YouTube channel previously and want something new and fresh. Or maybe you have found yourself making different content from what you initially intended while creating your channel and now think it’s time to shake up your whole brand identity by choosing a name more fitting to you. 

If your current YouTube channel name doesn’t match the type of content you produce, it may be difficult for viewers to remember or find your videos. For example, if videos are about gardening but your channel name has nothing to do with it and is related to something completely different, then this might confuse your audience and make it hard for those interested in your content to find it.

Changing your channel name can also be a great way to shake things up and make it more exciting for viewers. It can give you some much-needed visibility on YouTube, which will help grow engagement with the video content that your subscribers love!

So when changing your YouTube channel name, make sure there’s a good reason for it. Many people just change their username without thinking about the consequences ending up losing view counts and potential subscribers. Therefore, you need to have an objective when altering your channel name to justify the change and help you grow your YouTube page. 

As noted, there are specific reasons for which content creators can benefit from changing the name of their YouTube channel.

In summary, we can say that those reasons include:

  • The name of your channel is not memorable.The channel name does not correctly represent your content.The name has a grammar or spelling mistake.The name is not unique.The channel name does not fit your niche.You want a more stylish name for your channel.

As already mentioned, it is important to remember that a YouTube channel name shouldn’t be changed without purpose. When you’re creating your YouTube channel, make sure not to change the name without a good reason. Naming is important for branding and reminding people what they like to watch on your channel. 

How to change your YouTube channel name?


  • Open YouTube and login into your account if you are not already logged in.You can see your YouTube channel icon in the top right corner of the page. Click on it, and from the drop-down menu, choose “Your Channel.”At the top-right part, you can find a blue button saying “Customize Channel.” Click on it.Now go to “Basic Info.”Next to your channel name, you can see an icon that looks like a pencil. Click on it to enter a new name.Enter your new channel name in the box.Now all you have to do is press the “Publish” button located at the top right corner, and your YouTube channel has a new name.

On Mobile

  • Open the YouTube app on your mobile device and login into your account if you are not already logged in.You can see your YouTube channel icon in the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it and then select “Your channel.”Tap on the blue pencil icon.Now tap on the pencil icon, which you can find on the right side of your channel name.Type your new channel name in the text box. Once you’re done, tap the check mark at the top right corner of the box.

Best Tips and Practices for Picking a Great YouTube Name

When deciding on the perfect YouTube channel title, it can be helpful to follow these tips and practices for picking the best name for your channel.

  • Choose a name that represents you and your content.

Consider what kind of brand you are trying to create for yourself and use that as the basis. An excellent way to find yourself a unique and catchy handle is by considering what your brand stands for. You can be as specific or as general with this question as you want. If your channel is centered around you, it can be a good idea to use your own name. Brands usually use their brand name for their channel. If your content is about a specific topic, then using a title that represents that niche can make it easier for your channel to be discovered. Many YouTubers also use a stage name to express themselves on the platform.

  • Be consistent in using the same name on all your social media profiles.

If you want to be successful with your Youtube channel, make sure that the name is available on all major social media networks. Before choosing a particular social media handle for yourself or your company website, search if there are already existing brands or YouTubers who use that name.

The name you choose for your business can make a world of difference in how people perceive and treat you, so you’ll want to make sure that your chosen name is available on all channels before going live. That will avoid any confusion with other brands or people who might be using the same one as you!

  • Your YouTube channel name should be easy to pronounce and write.

Make sure to choose a showcase name that you can say and spell easily. Since channels are often mentioned in other videos, it’s important for viewers to understand which channel their favorite YouTuber is referencing.

The pronunciation should come naturally without any difficulties or having numbers included within its title. Be creative with clever phrases or short words–you’ll want your YouTube name remembered years from now when someone searches for it on the internet.

  • Make your YouTube name memorable and unique.

Choosing a unique name is very important. It will help users find your channel when they search on Google or YouTube, and it’s an essential element for building brand awareness with potential subscribers, so don’t just choose anything! 

While choosing a unique name is important, you should also make sure that your chosen moniker is short and easy to remember.

You can do this by doing an extensive search on YouTube or Google before making any final decisions.

Using a brand name for your channel will help it stand out in the sea of other YouTube channels. Creating an engaging title with relevant and catchy words is essential, so think about what you want to show your viewers!

  • Follow the YouTube community guidelines.

YouTube has strict guidelines for what you can and cannot do on their site. There are community standards that cover everything from the comments to channel names. Make sure you don’t use any offensive words and don’t register names that include other brand names.

Pros and cons of changing a YouTube name

Whether you are thinking about changing your YouTube channel’s name or not, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons. 

Unless you’re fully committed to the idea of changing your YouTube channel name, don’t do it! It’s important that any decision be well thought out and consider all implications. The consequences could be negative depending on various factors so take time to get comfortable with whatever choice will serve as an appropriate representation of your content both now and in future endeavors. 

Here are some consequences you might want to consider before making your big jump.

To the subscribers

If you already have an established audience, they might overlook your videos if their favorite YouTuber suddenly changes their handle! The last thing you want is your audience to stop watching your content and forget who you are. 

To the views

It’s easy for viewers to scroll past or ignore any notifications about changes in their favorite channels because there are always more exciting things coming up instead. These tiny tweaks can matter way more than you may think. If the change is too unexpected and irrational, it might hold people back from discovering your content on YouTube. If the new name doesn’t represent your content correctly, it can affect your views negatively since your target audience might not be able to find your videos easily. On the other hand, the correct name can bring you a new and bigger audience.

To monetization

Neither the monetization of your channel nor the YouTube algorithm won’t be directly affected by changing your channel name. So if you are sure that the new name will benefit your page and bring in new subscribers and views, then don’t let these factors hold you back.

To the owner

Creators with verified YouTube channels will lose their checkmark if they change the channel’s name. This likely has something to do with preventing people from impersonating other creators and using alternate names for themselves.

But channels can get their name changed and have the check mark restored by reapplying. This may take some time, so consider whether or not this will matter for you before going through with changing your name!

Ideas and lucky names for a YouTube channel one can choose

Some of the most creative and lucky YouTube channel names are listed below. Innovative Youtube channel titles can be very handy in marketing your business, so don’t forget to use these awesome ideas for great video content!

Unique ideas for YouTube channel name 

  • Sliced Bread In-n-Outs If We Had a NickelThink Tank Exchange.Spicy SugarsDuck Duck GooseThe Best WingRubber DucksDon’t PeekPostcards from Mars

Stylish YouTube channel names

  • The TenderFor LessOne Stop AutoDiy FashionBrainfoodMr. GlobeCharts ArtMaster XStream & CleanShine Up

To find inspiration for your YouTube channel’s name, it is always worth looking at other successful YouTubers and popular names in the business. Here are 10 of those most notable ones!

  • 5-Minute CraftsThe Anime ManPewDiePieThe Everyday DadT-SeriesMrBeastCocomelon – Nursery RhymesDude PerfectMarkiplierVlad and Niki

Wrap up

YouTube is a great way to share your story with the world and create your own personal brand. So, choosing an appropriate name for this channel and sticking with it will help build that connection between viewers who have heard about you through word-of-mouth or social media posts before tuning in again!

Although, as shown above, changing your name on YouTube can be done within minutes, it’s essential to do that with consideration and only change it when you are sure that your channel can benefit from it. 

When picking out the perfect name for your YouTube channel, it’s important to take into account what will best represent you and how people can easily remember who you are. 

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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