Step 1: Go back on your original account and make sure your username is not taken. If it is, then there is nothing more that you can do except try again later or re-sign up with a new account.

Step 2: Create a new account on Reddit with your desired username and display name. Keep in mind that this account must already exist for the change!

Step 3: Once logging into your new account, go through the profile settings and delete all comments made by any previous accounts. This step is important because if you leave them up, they will confuse people when they see them on your profile history

And lastly, Step 4: You’re done! You have successfully changed your username to more suit.

How to change your display name

Step 1: Go to your profile settings and click on “Edit Profile.”

Step 2: Then, type in your desired username as the name. Then, take a screenshot of this and save it somewhere because you will need it to switch urls later.

Step 3: Now if you want to change your display name, go back to “Edit Profile” and delete the username from this step. Simply put the new username in its place and then click “Update Profile.”

Step 4: Lastly, go back to “Edit Profile” again and change your URL to use your new profile URL instead of the old one. This is done by clicking on “Edit Profile” again, clicking on “My Contributions,” clicking on “Change my URL,” changing it to reflect your new URL, and then clicking save.

How to make sure your old username isn’t taken

Before you start the process of changing your username, make sure it isn’t already taken. In order to do this, go back to your original account and look for your old username. If it is not taken by someone else, then you have the opportunity to change it now.

If the username is already taken, there’s nothing more that can be done but try again later or re-sign up with a new account.

How to create a new account

Step 1: Go back on your original account and make sure your username is not taken. If it is, then there is nothing more that you can do except try again later or re-sign up with a new account.

Step 2: Create a new account on Reddit with your desired username and display name. Keep in mind that this account must already exist for the change!

Step 3: Once logging into your new account, go through the profile settings and delete all comments made by any previous accounts. This step is important because if you leave them up, they will confuse people when they see them on your profile history

And lastly, Step 4: You’re done! You have successfully changed your username to more suit.