It is not a good idea to put your real birthday on Instagram. If you are an actor, then it might be okay to use your real birthday. But if you are not an actor, then it is better to have a fake birthday.

Instagram is a photo-sharing app that allows you to post pictures and videos. It also has a section where you can see what your friends have been up to, and it includes their birthdays.

It’s really up to you. Some people use their real birthdays for various reasons like to build trust with other people that they meet online. The only drawback is that it could be used against you in the future if someone wanted to find out your birthday and then use it for nefarious purposes.

No. If you’re going to use a fake birthday, it should be for something like a social media account that doesn’t have any bearing on your real life.

Yes, there is a “Happy birthday!” message that pops up on Instagram when someone’s birthday occurs.

People lie about their birthdays to seem more attractive. The person might think that other people will like them more if they believe that the person is younger than they actually are, or that they will be more successful if they believe the person is older than they actually are.

Apps use your birthday to determine when you were born and what age you are. This is used in advertising and marketing to target people who they think will be interested in their product or service.

To change the date of your birthday on Instagram, you can edit your profile and click “birthday.” This will take you to a page where you can input the new date and time of your birthday.

Yes. You can choose not to provide your birthday when you sign up for a Google account.

Google’s birthday reminder is an optional service that alerts you before your birthday so you can make sure to wish yourself a happy birthday on time. It also helps you remember to create a Google+ profile if you haven’t already.