With the rising interest in online multiplayer post-apocalyptic games, users every day want to know something new. And are always curious about facts and figures through which their gameplay can be improved. That is the case with the famous title Fallout 76 and its latest content that is Wastelanders.

Earlier Fallout 76 was not loved as it is now, because now Bethesda Software has introduced the Non-Playing Characters that spice up the overall gameplay. Also, the introduction of the new update: The Wastelanders, have significantly contributed to overall to the new appearance and spiced up gameplay. Now the users are confused about how they can change the Quest Tracking in Fallout 76. So we decided to bring up a detailed guide that they can follow to do so. Let’s start.

How to Change Quest Tracking?

If you want to change the quest tracking features that let your quests automatically traced, you can do so in the settings menu. So in order to bring up the settings menu, you have to first bring up the map, then click on the menu button at the top-left corner. From there, you can click on the Settings and then click on the Game. There you will see five options on your screen.

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  • Main Quests Active when started
  • Side Quests Active when started
  • Miscellaneous Quests Active when started
  • Event Quests Active when started
  • Daily Quests Active when started

They work the same way as they are written. Any option that is selected, you will experience that type of quest tracking. You can see t quest tracking in your Heads Up Display in the Game. If your setting is off, then you have to manually activate the quest using your Pip-Boy. But only when you are ready to take it. But wait, we have more to say.

The map you see in Wastelanders is far more intuitive and informative as it was anytime before. All your quests appear on it wheather active or inactive. The active quests will be listed in gold, and inactive ones will be black. At any point in time, you can highlight a quest just by selecting it using the keyboard and view it in your Pip-Boy. You will also get the quest description. So now you don’t need to do a lot of work searching for detailed info on what you need to do in a quest. Happy Gaming.


This guide was to help the players who were unable to change their quest tracking info on their map. We hope this guide was helpful to you. If you have any queries or feedback, feel free to comment down below with your Name and E-mail ID. Likewise, check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks for more such tips and tricks. Thank You.