If you are looking for someone’s birthday, they will most likely have a post with “Happy Birthday” or their age. You can also search their name on Instagram and it will show up on the top of the page.

Instagram has a lot of features that are only available to people who are over 18. This is because they need to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

The user’s date of birth is visible on Instagram, but the user can disable this option in their settings. There are many reasons why a user may want to hide their date of birth; some people do not want other users to know how old they are or if they are still in school, while others do not like the added pressure that comes with having a visible date of birth.

It’s a personal choice whether or not to put your real birthday on Instagram. If you’re worried about privacy, there are steps you can take to keep your account private, such as changing your settings so that only people who follow you can see your posts. You can also change the date of birth on your account to something other than the day and month of your actual birthdate.

Birthday calculation services are available online. Some websites, such as calendar-365.com, will calculate a person’s birthday based on their date of birth, while others require the person to input their own date of birth.

You can find out someone’s date of birth by looking it up on social media, their driver’s license, or their passport.

There is no such thing as over 16 Instagram. There is a simple explanation for this: when one person creates an account, they can add up to five people who are also in the app, but the number of people you can follow remains at 50. If one person were to create an account and add five other people, they would have ten people they are following.

It’s never a good idea to post your birthday online. There are many reasons why, but the most important reason is that it can be used by malicious people to target you for identity theft.

It’s a personal decision. On one hand, it may be easier to remember your password if you use your real date of birth. On the other hand, you want to make sure that no one else can access your account with this information.

You can’t put a fake birthday on Instagram. If you want to make your account private, you can do that from the settings menu.