Yes, you can candle eggs with a phone flashlight. To do this, hold the egg up to the light and look for a dark spot. This is the air cell and is where the chick will break out of the egg.

Yes, you can candle an egg with a flashlight. To do this, hold the flashlight against the egg and look for a dark spot. This is the air pocket. If the egg is fresh, the air pocket will be small. If the egg is older, the air pocket will be larger.

Yes, you can candle an egg to see if its fertile. To candle an egg, you need a bright light and a dark room. Shine the light on the egg and look for a shadow. If you see a shadow, the egg is fertile.

The egg should be clear with a small air pocket at the top. If there is no air pocket, the egg is not fresh.

To make a candling light for eggs, you will need:-A dark room-An egg-A bright light-A bowl or container to hold the eggPlace the egg in the bowl or container.Shine the bright light on the egg.Look for any abnormalities in the eggshell or inside the egg.Repeat steps 2 and 3 with other eggs, if desired.

Candling eggs does not hurt them. It is a process where you use a bright light to look inside an egg to check for defects. If you are worried about hurting the egg, you can use a lighted magnifying glass instead.

The best way to tell if an egg is fertilized is to candlestick it. This is where you hold the egg up to a light and look for a dark spot on the yolk. If there is a dark spot, that means the egg has been fertilized.

A human egg is about the size of a pinhead.

Yes, a chicken can tell if an egg is fertilized. The chicken will usually sit on the eggs to keep them warm, and if the egg is fertilized, the chicken will continue to sit on the egg.

Candling eggs is a process where you use a bright light to look at the inside of an egg. You can tell if an egg is fertilized by looking for a dark circle called the embryo. You should stop candling eggs when you can no longer see the embryo.

Yes, it is usually safe to candle eggs every day. However, if you notice any abnormalities in the eggshell or the embryo, you should stop candling and consult with a veterinarian.