If you are looking to cancel the Verizon Fios Internet Service, then you have landed at the right place. Among all the telecommunication services in the USA, Verizon is right there at the top. 15 years ago they welcomed the FIOS or the Fibre Optic Service. Combining the internet, television, and telephone service, it created quite a buzz during its initial days, as its userbase saw a massive rise in the coming days. However, things aren’t the same now. The network drops, interrupted supply and even high prices than other players in the market have persuaded some users to make a shift.

On that note, if you are looking for an alternative, then the first step involves bidding adieu to your current service provider. In this regard, today we will help you out to cancel the Verizon Fios internet service. Do keep in kind that most of the telecommunication services in the USA take the offline route, and Verizon is no different. The cancellation process requires you to follow the offline way. With that said, here are the required instructions for the same. Follow along.

Cancel Verizon Fios Internet Service: Things to keep in mind

There are a few things to keep in mind before you go ahead with the process. Make sure you go through the below-mentioned points before proceeding with the cancellation.

The Reason for Cancellation

Since we are dealing with offline cancellation, you need to have a solid reason for the cancellation in mind. There is every chance that the customer service team will try out their best to persuade you in staying one of your loyal and trustworthy customers. For example, you could say that you are moving to a new location where Verizon Fios service is not available. Just search for that place online before proceeding ahead with this claim!

Date of Cancellation

So there is this confusion that you should only cancel the Verizon Fios Internet Service when it is about to end. However, the thing is you could even cancel the same right at the beginning of the cycle itself. Even if you cancel in the initial stages, you could still continue to use it till the end of that billing cycle. So no point in playing the waiting game. Cancel it as soon as you have made up your mind.

Equipment Conditions

Make sure that all the equipment that needs to be returned is in good working condition. If that is not the case, then you might have to shell out some bucks from your pocket.

So these were all the things worth mentioning. Let’s now proceed ahead and check out the steps to cancel the Verizon Fios Internet Service.

How to Cancel Verizon Fios Internet Service

  • You will have to connect to the Verizon Fios customer service at 844-837-2262. The time slot should be between Monday to Friday from 08:00 AM – 06:00 PM.
  • Next up, you will now be asked regarding the phone number and account number that is associated with the Verizon Fios service. All this information is available on your Verizon Fios account. This process will be carried out by the bot.
  • Once that is done, you will be connected to a real person. In this instance, tell him/her the reason for the cancellation.
  • Furthermore, also tell them that you are ready to return all the equipment as well. Also, make them informed of the condition too.
  • They will then send you a mail regarding the equipment. Shorty they will pick it up, and they may or may not charge for this equipment, depending on the condition of the same.

That is it. You have successfully canceled the Verizon Fios Internet Service. However, if you don’t wish to say a permanent goodbye, but just need to suspend the service, there is an option for that as well. The support staff will again guide you in this regard. Regarding the duration, you could suspend it for 3-9 months. Obviously, you wouldn’t be charged while the services remain suspended. Rounding off, don’t forget to check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick as well.