How to Cancel Pending Transaction?

There is no hard or fast rule to canceling a pending transaction. This is because it is near impossible. Once you have made a transaction, you have no control over it anymore. Everything through the payment process is automatic. 

However, here are a couple of things that can be done to help cancel your pending transaction;

The first step is to put a call through to the merchant you are transacting with. The merchant is the only person with access to the transaction once payment has been made. This is because the merchant is the one who placed the charge. The merchant will proceed to contact your card issuer and request that the transaction be reversed. The merchant will provide your card issuer with the following details; your card number, expiry date, the cardholder’s name, authorization number (if any), and the amount of authorization. When your card issuer receives the details, and the authorization is canceled, they proceed to reverse the transaction. Once the transaction is reversed, your pending transaction is canceled.

What is a Pending Transaction?

Transactions that haven’t been fully processed by the merchant are called pending transactions. 

How do Pending transactions occur?

When you make a payment using your credit card or debit card, the payment goes through various steps;

Your card when swiped is automatically up for validation. the point on sale machine then confirms with your merchant that your card is valid. When confirmation has been made, your bank, your card issuer, or your credit union will proceed to authorize your purchase. Authorization of your purchase is not the end of the chain, as your financial institution will transfer the funds to the merchant on your behalf. The transfer of funds signifies that the transaction has been finalized.

The process that is followed as talked about above is what causes a pending transaction to occur.

Do Pending transactions differ?

Yes, pending transactions differ just as modes of transactions differ.

For Debit card transactions, money is drawn to cover your purchase cost directly from your account. This implies that pending transactions on debit cards only limit the account available balance, till the transaction process is finalized. For Credit card transactions, until your monthly bills are due for payment, when you use your credit card to pay, money is not drawn from your credit union or bank account. This implies that pending transactions on your credit cards just limit the credit balance available for your use. For PayPal, the payment processing system is different from that of credit and debit cards. If you make a payment with your PayPal, it reflects as pending in your PayPal before reflecting in your bank account or your credit card. The one good thing about papal pending transactions is the fact that they can be canceled from the activity section of the app.

How Many Days Do Pending Transactions Take?

The time frame of a pending transaction is not definite. It is dependent on how long the merchant takes to process it. Sometimes, it could take three to seven working days.  Depending on the type of purchase, it could even take from about seven to twenty-eight days. There are no fixed days, where pending transactions are concerned.


You will always need to make a purchase. The only unfortunate thing about it is the anxiety that comes with seeing that pending transaction and what makes it more unbearable is the fact that it is not easy to cancel. 

However, you must always remember that a call through to your merchant can fix it. Always remember to call your merchant and request that the purchase authorization is removed. 

Also, if you notice a pending transaction you did not initiate, contact your card issuer to cancel it and secure your account immediately.

Can I have a pending transaction even when my purchase is approved?

Yes, you can have a pending transaction even though your purchase has been approved. This is because the payment is still undergoing a check and hasn’t been put up.

Can I cancel a pending transaction online?

No, you cannot, except you made a payment using a PayPal account to an email or unrecognized phone number. Just like any other pending transaction, you will still need to go through the merchant to have the transaction canceled.

What if the merchant is unavailable?

If this happens, you will have to wait for your transaction to be finalized. It is easier to reverse it once completed.

title: “How To Cancel Pending Transaction " ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-20” author: “Gladys Mellerson”

Main spot of this delay is that the payment has been approved but is still pending, meaning that the transaction has not yet been completed or posted. This unsure status means that you have a time window  to request cancellation of a pending credit card transaction. However, depending on the state of affairs, it may or may not be difficult to return the charge

 Two important things to know about canceling a pending claim:

Be patient: Postpone cancellation until you understand that pending payments are temporary and subject to change. Work directly with the seller: When your payment is pending, you often have to resolve the issue with the merchant rather than your credit card issuer.

Here’s what you need to know about some common situations where you might need to cancel a pending credit card transaction.

Regret or user error

If you want to reconsider about a purchase, it’s best to discuss it with the seller. For example, if you contact the seller before the item gets shipped, the seller may agree to cancel the transaction In such situations, the dollar amount will disappear from the pending transaction and will not be disclosed. 

 Alternatively, if the seller has a generous return policy, you can return the item and receive a refund after posting a purchase message.

Billing error

If you capture a pending transaction that can be considered as a billing error,   Double billing is one of the example. On many online credit card bills, you can see the seller’s phone number included in the transaction. Or, if you made a mistake, such as” B” , please notify the seller if you double clicked the submit button while paying online . Merchants can cancel pending transactions.


Cardholders cannot formally dispute pending transactions. You usually have to wait for the disclosure. Federal law therefore gives you the right to contest the charges.  This fee is known in the payments industry as “chargeback.” So it makes sense to use a chargeback.


If you suspect a pending transaction  and you know your card’s authorized user didn’t complete the purchase – contact the credit card company. It’s easier to call the phone number on the back of the card. 

Don’t worry if the fraudulent charge goes from pending to displayed. You can always notify your card issuer of fraud. And the vast majority of card issuers have a zero policy. You are not responsible for fraudulent charges.

Canceling a pending debit or credit card transaction 

It is generally not possible to dispute outstanding credit  or debit card payments with the card issuer. Credit card companies and banks usually only help with questions about recorded fees. This is because the outstanding amount is likely to change after it’s posted  (for example, when a tip is added to a restaurant transaction). 

 Instead, it’s best to dial the merchant directly and ask them to help you resolve any issues with your outstanding credit or debit. Merchants can delete pending transactions before they are reflected in your balance.

Who is a merchant?

A merchant in a transaction is a business that accepts card payments from customers. Whatever you sell, no matter the size of your business, you become a seller in a transaction as long as you accept card payments. Make sure  you are not overpaying for these transactions to be processed. 

What not to do?

You cannot directly prevent a pending charge from being posted without the help of a merchant. For example, this won’t help you to:

Cancel the credit card.

Place a lock on the credit card.

Place a freeze on your credit.

Credit and debit card issuers do not allow  pending payment disputes. This is because it is a temporary payment and the final payment amount is subject to change.


If you want to cancel a pending transaction on your debit card, contact the merchant who made the charge and ask them to cancel the transaction. In many cases, there’s nothing your card issuer can do to help you until the charge is processed. However, some banks and credit unions allow you to cancel certain  deposits and pending payments online. If you’re concerned that pending transactions or pre-authorized funds may block your account, one solution is to use a separate credit card specifically for this purpose.

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