Dogs are like babies, and the day you make them your pets, they become a part of your family.

And Since You came across animals (We humans are also a part of Animal Kingdom) you get to know about their emotions as well.

Joy, Sadness, Anxiety, etc. are emotions. And, aggression is also an Emotion.

So every animal including us justifies our emotion with some signs.

So Dogs signify their Aggression by some Signs as well.

Here is the list of Signs of Dog’s  Aggressions

Growling (making a low guttural sound in the throat that indicates hostility. )Snarling ( make an aggressive growl with bared teeth. )Snapping (making sudden audible bites. )Cowering (crouch down in fear. )Tail Tucking or Tail Raised. Lip Licking or Yawning. Raised fur (Especially in a single line from up of the head till the back of the body)Turning away the Gaze. Head, Neck, and Ears are elevated or down (in case of fearful aggression)Erect Body Posture.

These are Some signs that would probably help you in getting to know it’s Aggressive Emotion.

However, the Next Question that comes to mind is “Why do They show such Aggressive Behaviour?”

So let’s just know the Reasons.

Reasons for the aggressive behavior of Dogs?

Justifying it by saying “My Dog’s breed makes it more Aggressive” is not Correct.

However, it’s a known fact that some breeds are more aggressive. But You can simply equate the breeds with aggression. One can justify a trigger level.

Just like we humans have a tempered level, some have a high level of calmness and some have a low.

So when it triggers some threshold level, we possess aggressiveness And Similarly Dogs too.

But instead of Giving Reasons here, it’s better than We can talk about the “types of aggression”. It would better give us a deep insight into the Reasons associated with it.

Types of Dog Aggression

I would lead this section with Types, What it is all about, and examples associated.

Territorial Aggression:  It can be a learned form of aggression. It is a condition in which a Dog protects its area or territory in which it inhibits from anyone who seems to it as an intruder. Example: When your Dog sees any other Dog inside its home or even the Road area. Or You might see your Dog jumping here and there, especially at windows to scare the Intruder. Protective Aggression: When they Protect their family inmates from others. Example: A mother dog protecting its puppies from any others. Possessive Aggression:  Also known as “Resource Guarding”. It is a Condition when a Dog shows the possessiveness of some object, it could be anything like foodstuff, toys or bones, etc. It can growl, bark or can even bite if the aggression is high. Example: A Dog after eating the whole meal can save a piece or last bite and growl the rest of the time. Predatory Aggression: Predation simply is the desire to hunt the prey. All animals possess this desire. Even Dogs too, some Dogs show higher predatory actions than others. It is generally encouraged by Genes and the surrounding environment. As some Dogs may show such when they are in Group or some when they are alone. Predation can be over animals, but predation over humans especially over children can become a danger. Example: While playing with children, the Dogs having Predatory aggression can sometimes attack the child. Fear Motivated Aggression: It is a very common aggression. It’s common to almost every animal. Nature has made us in such a way that makes us protect ourselves in a fearful condition with aggression. So when a Dog finds itself in danger it reacts with aggression, but the motive here is not to harm but to protect itself. Example: When some Dogs see the vet Doctors, they start barking at them since they are scared of them. Redirected Aggression: Attacking the peer mate when it isn’t able to attack the other ones. When two dogs stay together and they see another animal (far away from them), it can be a Dog or any other animal like Cat, Bird, etc. And since it is far away and they can’t attack that animal, then they start attacking the other peer mate who is near them. Example: When two of your Dogs barking at the window of the gate start fighting with themselves. There are other forms of aggression like Pain-Induced Aggression (When the dog is injured or is in pain), Or Sex-Related Aggression (they become aggressive while vying for the attention of the mate which they are wanting to have a physical relationship with. Etc.

Now we have talked about the types and reasons for aggression. So let’s talk about the main purpose of the article i.e. How to calm an aggressive dog?

Tips to Calm down an aggressive Dog

It would work better when you know the reason for the Aggression, the type of aggression.

Finding the Trigger Point and the Threshold Limit: Since every breed has different limits of triggering point in aggressive behavior, One must notify it whenever it possesses aggressiveness.  Maintain a Space for Your Dog: When they show aggressive behavior at home mostly protective, possessive, or territorial aggression, try to leave that space for a while. That would probably make them a bit calm. Socialize Your Dog: Make Your Dogs interact with Humans and animals as much as possible numbers. Exercise: Make them burn their energy in exercise. So that less energy is reserved for any kind of aggression and that would also calm their mind. Desensitize and Confidence Building: When it triggers fear-induced aggression, try to build up its confidence. Expose them to things they are afraid of, once at a time that does not frighten your dog. Also ask people to follow your rules while they interact with your Dog. Avoid showing threatening behavior: If shown then it would increase the chances of increased aggression and it may even bite the person. So try things like avoiding direct eye contact, turning your body to the side, cornering your dog. Put a Muzzle: You can put a while going outside if your dog shows greater aggression. However, it’s not recommended for long as it can induce discomfort. Talk to a Vet: Since the aggression can be pain induced or maybe out of some other complications, Your vet can better understand the main reason and will give it treated accordingly.

That’s not all. Since you are living with your Dog, you may know better personal ways.

It will seem hard at first, but when you try politely after reading this article you may notice little positive results daily.

“Little by little, a little becomes a lot” – Tanzanian Proverb