To call for a pick and roll in NBA 2K17, you need to hold down the left trigger and then press either the A or X button.

To call for an alley-oop in NBA 2K17, hold down the left trigger and press up on the right analog stick.

There are a few ways to call for a pick and roll in NBA 2K. One way is to hold down the left trigger and then press the corresponding button for the player you want to set the pick. Another way is to hold down the right trigger and then press the corresponding button for the player you want to roll off of the pick.

To do a stepback in NBA 2K17, hold down the left trigger and then press the A button.

To call for an alley oop in NBA 2K22 PS4, hold down the L1 button and then press the X button.

To call for a screen in 2K22, you would need to yell “screen” or “pick and roll” to your teammate. Your teammate would then need to run to the paint and set a screen for you.

There is no one definitive way to call a screen in 2K17. Some players might say “screen” or “pick and roll” while others might use more specific terminology like “down screen” or “back screen.” Ultimately, it’s up to the player to decide what works best for them.

A “pick” is a type of tool used to extract objects from tight spaces. It has a thin, sharp point at one end and a claw-like surface at the other.

To set a pick in NBA 2K19 on PS4, hold down the L1 button and move the left analog stick in the direction you want your player to move.

In order to dunk in 2K22, you need to hold down the sprint button and then press the jump button. You will then jump much higher than you would otherwise, which will give you the opportunity to dunk the ball.

To throw an alley oop on 2k17 for the Playstation 3, you need to be in an alley oop situation. This can be done by having your teammate run towards the basket and jump up at the last second, or by running towards the basket yourself and jumping up as if you’re going to dunk. Once you’re in the air, press the triangle button to pass the ball to your teammate.

There are a few ways to catch alley oops in 2K22. One way is to hold down the left trigger and then press the right bumper when your teammate passes you the ball. Another way is to hold down the left trigger and then press the A button when your teammate passes you the ball.