When building your own grocery display, your goal is to get the customers’ attention, impress their creative minds, and almost seduce them into buying your products. So go for an attractive, fully stocked, and inclusive, and make sure you hang up a good discount deal sign that can be easily visible by everyone in the store.

So now that you got a surface-level idea on how to build your grocery display, let’s dig into the subject and learn how to exactly go about it.

You’ll discover how many products you need to use, what types of grocery displays there are, and why you could benefit from a grocery store display. Keep on reading to find out.

So let’s get right to it.

Why You Should Build Your Own Grocery Store Display

Grocery displays are built to capture the attention of potential buyers – both the shoppers and the folks passing by the store. So in most cases, you can find these displays both on the inside and the outside of the store.

Also, they can be found next to the check stands with discounted deals.

The idea behind this is to get the customers to spend a little more money on these goods while they’re still in the buying mood. And they work just as fine in the middle of the store where smart shoppers like to snatch up lots of products for less than their usual costs.

This brings us to our next point.

The 4 General Types Of Grocery Displays

·   Type 1 – Produce (fruits and vegetables)

·   Type 2 – Fresh seafood and meat

·   Type 3 – Canned and Boxes goods

1-    Produce

The fresher, more abundant, and healthier your vegetables and fruits look, the more sales you’ll make. Customers can’t just taste or test your products; they mostly buy by looking at them and choosing what looks and feels right. So make sure to:

–         Keep it fresh. Use only fresh, healthy products and keep the old supply out of the produce display. Put it near the store’s entrance to give off a ripe and healthy feeling to your store. Also, don’t let the produce touch the ground for hygiene reasons.

–         Make it look attractive. Use different-sized wooden and wicker display baskets to make your fruits and vegetables look as if they’ve just been plucked off a farm. You can even presell the produce by incorporating photos of potential meals made out of it. 

A note-worthy suggestion is to showcase the most-wanted produce at the front of the display depending on the season, a holiday, or a particular diet type.

2-    Fresh seafood and meat

Seafood and meat are crucial components for any successful grocery store display. For meat and fish lovers, it gives off a vibrant, abundant, and lively vibe to your store. And if diversified, it can be a powerful money magnet for your business. But you have to make sure to.

–         Keep the seafood and meat cold and fresh. When your customers walk by your counter, they’ll be able to appreciate the quality of your seafood and meat products.

–         Sort out the meat and seafood to display the contrast in color and diversity. Line up the meat products by color from bloody red to pale white. Also, use fishnets and refrigerated bin units to resemble the feeling of a fresh, recently harvested piece of meat or seafood.

You can use the colors blue to remind your customers of the freshness of the sea and the color green for a cool farm aura.

3-    Canned and Boxed Goods

These will be used often as your grocery store display due to how convenient and fun it can be to set them up. Here’s how you can have a blast setting them up AND get your customers’ attention.

–         You can use the cans as building blocks and make different shapes with different sizes. You can make a pyramid, a cube, or even a good ol’ word. A word, yes! You can spell out certain words, depending on occasional holidays or celebrations.

–         Make sure you keep the display space clean, dry, and well-tempered (keep temperatures under 85 F). Don’t forget to check the expiration date for the canned food, and keep the freshest goods on the outside where shoppers can see them.

Canned and boxed goods will make up a big chunk of your profits, so make sure to keep a careful eye on them

But since there’s more than one type of grocery store display…

How Much Product Should You Use To Build Grocery Store Display?

It depends on many factors, but the most important is how fast you want to sell your products. If you want to do it quickly and not risk having unsold products, then you might want to focus on stacking up the right amount of goods.

So put up the amount that would usually get sold within 4 to 6 days. Also, don’t use too many products so that the display doesn’t look weird or off-putting to shoppers.

And don’t use too little because it just might catch the customer’s eye but doesn’t fully get their attention. It can be sort of a trial-and-error deal, but once you find the appropriate balance for your store, you’ll know exactly how much to use.

Now let’s find out the answer to this question.

What’s The Best Way To Set Up The Grocery Store Display?

The smartest way to go about it is to make the display self-sustainable. What this means is, you need to spend a good amount of time setting up without spending too much money on it.

You also wouldn’t waste time going back and forth to fix it multiple times a day. To accomplish that, you can use fixtures.

A fixture is any type of furniture or equipment to keep items together, which you can use to set up your grocery store display.

It can be anything from mannequins, cases, racks, stall walls, etc., but the most common type is shelves.

Shelves provide a solid foundation for your display and can always be used multiple times – and whenever needed.

How Should You Choose What Products To Build Grocery Store Display?

It’d be okay to use 2 to 3 types of products to build a display. You can always use different products that haven’t been mentioned above, like grains, oils, dairy products, and legumes.

The key here is to make a cohesive display where different products go well with each other.

For example, it makes sense to hold a discount for steaks next to a collection of different types of sauce, like Salsa Sauce, Barbeque Sauce, Balsamic Sauce, etc. What wouldn’t make sense is to place discounted bananas next to some hot chili sauce.

It can be tempting to assume that shoppers would grab a jar or two of hot sauce after buying some nearby discounted bananas, but I doubt that ever happens.

But if it’s still a little difficult for you to set up your display, here are…

3 Visual Merchandising Techniques For a Good Build Grocery Store Display

1-    Color. Color is a great way to get shoppers’ attention and get them hooked on your products. You should use a color palette that matches your brand, tone, and message. The combination of bright and cheerful colors (red, green, yellow, etc.) is always a sane choice but choose what works for your store.

2-    Signage. Use signage to communicate with your customers and steer them in the direction you want for them. But make it sweet and short and to the point. Use it to persuade and inform and let it be visible to the customers. Also, it’d work better as a direct, obvious call to action to drive sales.

3-    Lighting. Good lighting plays a big role in setting the mood for your customers to buy. For a grocery store, you’ll want to go for brighter, livelier lighting. And to lead shoppers towards your display, you should use stronger, more vibrant lighting to get it noticed. But nothing too bright, or you’ll drive them away.

4-    Fun games. Here’s a unique trick to steer shoppers towards your bundle of golden nuggets. Make a treasure hunt for your discounted goods and have people participate. Leave them clues, give them small rewards, and lead them towards your display. This doesn’t work all the time, but it works on national holidays – when it can be themed and well accepted.

Are You Still Hesitant About Building Your Grocery Store Display?

Grocery store displays are a great asset for your business. The potential in building one is great, and the profits that you can make from it are worth the effort.

 Make sure you always have one set up, and especially during the prime shopping time of the day. Don’t be afraid to hold a ‘themed’ display; customers will appreciate it.

There’s no need to overthink it. Just throw a casual grocery display and see how it goes. If it works, keep doing it. If not, find out why – and make it work.

  1.   How long should I hold my grocery display for?

It depends on how well it does. If it’s doing a great job and you’re sold out, have another. If it doesn’t, and you end up having a lump of unwanted products in your store, shut it off and start again.

  1.   What should I do if I don’t have enough products to build a grocery display?

You can use cardboard cases for the base where customers usually don’t reach and fill up the outer shell, so to speak. You’ll still have the look of a legitimate display without having to spend too much money on it.

  1.   When do I know that my grocery display just isn’t working?

If it’s been set up for 2 weeks or so and there are still no sales – then that might be a good sign for a new one.